Broad Vision
Honest Service
Great Value

Every valuable thing you need is right here on this space.. and if it's not a value, you won't get a whiff of it here.

Welcome to the World of Values:)


Registered under the Corporate Affairs Commission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. (RC: 1960254)

Feature Highlights

Values that Build Mind

Your Mind is Everything..What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.

Valuesglobe champions the course of quality and relevant information for the building of the mind through various mediums. They include and not Limited to:

  • PARTIAL SCHOLARSHIP for MBA, BBA, or AAS degree aspirants, at Nexford University (American's most innovative university, licensed in Washington DC.) Affordable, Skills-focused, and offering a next-generation learning experience, 100% online.

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Values that Improve Well-Being 

The welfare and well-being of every person is central to our mission.

Delivered via:

  • PRODUCTS: Valuesglobe Convenience Store avails a wide range of quality and affordable products that improve well-being.. making you comfortable, healthy and happy.
  • SERVICES: We carryout Direct, Indirect, Advocacy and Research services in such a way that leaves our clients with the felling of being on top of the world.

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Values that Grow Wealth

"Buying real estate is not only the best way, the safest way or the quickest way but the only way to become wealthy"  -- Marshall Fields

Investing in Real Estate has never been such Innovative, stress-free and fun.
Valuesglobe believes it's right time to leverage on the 21st century technological innovations, to help people grow their wealth exponentially. We work with the most forward thinking Developers around the world to bring you a collection of properties that fulfils your needs and interests.

Some of our outstanding Innovative Services include;

  • Free Consultancy and Advisory Services
  • 3% discount on all Real Estate Investments in Nigeria, Dubai, and Ghana.
  • Excellent Property Management.
  • Legal backup
  • Leveraging our large audience to help our clients sell their properties with ease.

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It's time to place Value above Success  

"Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value"

-Albert Einstein

Why Valuesglobe?

The growing emphasis on Success at the detriment of Value has gradually emerged a global concern. The drive to achieve set goals has constantly swayed people to the sophistical.. especially in the business world.

Valueglobe believes it's time for a paradigm shift in the status quo. One that puts Value first, reconciling Great values with Affordability and impacting the lives of personages with this union of Value and Affordability.

Our services are rendered in Sincerity, coupled with a Broad Vision and the end product remains Great Value. That's why if it's not a Value, you won't get a whiff of it here.




Valuesglobe could be for you if;

  • You’re a man or woman of value.
  • Sincerity appeals more to you than sales prospecting efforts based on conversion
  • You’re looking for a company you can trust, a company that is Value-driven instead of Success-driven.


Our Customers' feedback says it all

Of Clients stated they received Great Value for their Resources 


Of Clients stated they received an Excellent Customer Service


Of Customers would recommend Valuesglobe Limited



Broad Vision

We strive to exceed your expectation with our holistic, dynamic and vivid consideration of new ideas

Honest Service

We uphold the strength of character that builds relationship with customers based on trust

Great Value

High quality products and services offered at an affordable price

Our Partners

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